Thursday, August 26, 2010

Shine On

A few days ago, I received the unsolicited comment from a friend, who is very familiar with my journey, that the Holy Spirit is shining through me on my journey. I have to say that the comment was hard to receive. Being me, living this life, and being immersed in this spiritual battle, I have a hard time seeing it. Call it humility, stupidity, or lack of perception - but I have trouble gauging the magnitude of the change that I've gone through so far.

What I can say is that, if someone is seeing the Holy Spirit shining, it is an answer to a prayer that I developed early on in my renewed journey. It goes something like this:

God, whatever you have planned for me, I want your light to shine through me.
Not as a Christmas tree where you can see pretty lights attached to a tree, but
as a light that consumes me and I'm not identifiable beneath. All I want anyone
to see is you. Amen.

A rather ambitious request, especially when you see it written. One only to be achieved through the working of the Spirit. Which at least one person sees shining through me. Hopefully not an anomaly.

Recently I read this statement by John Wesley, and while I don't embrace much of his doctrine, I do enjoy the sentiment. I hope I'm able to submit myself to God in the same way:

Each morning I light myself on fire, then I go out and let the world watch me

It's all for Jesus. Amen.

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